AHA 2020 BLS CPR Guidelines


Pulse Check

  • Check the carotid for no less than 5, no more than 10 seconds, on your side
  • Find the trachea, go just parallel to that with 2 fingers
  • Look and listen for breathing at the same time
  • Agonal respirations are ineffective and indicate cardiac arrest
  • Shout “help, Get an AED, call 911”


  • Location of hands, just below the nipple line in the center of the chest, just above the xiphoid process
  • Put your shoulders over the patient, straighten and lock your elbows and wrists
  • You will break ribs due to proper depth and strength
  • Proper depth should be about 2 inches
  • Allow for full chest recoil, this ensures refilling of blood in the heart
  • Ratio with ventilations 30:2
  • 100-120 compressions a minute
  • Limit interruptions off the chest for more than 10 seconds

Pocket Mask/BVM

Pocket Mask

  • C clamp, thumb, then head tilt chin lift looking for chest rise and fall


  • Place yourself at the head of the patient
  • Make a C-E Clamp, Open the airway with the head-tilt-chin lift
  • Squeeze the bag over 1 second, we don’t want to over ventilate and risk gastric inflation and aspiration


  • Definition of 1 year to signs of puberty (chest/armpit hair, breast development)
  • When checking a pulse, if a pediatric patient has a pulse less than 60 bpm, perfusion is not efficient and CPR is indicated
  • Difference in hand placement/technique: 1 hand vs. 2 hands
  • Still ensure recoil
  • Proper Depth approximately 1/3 depth of the chest or 2 inches
  • 1 rescuer= 30:2 compression to ventilation ratio
  • 2+ rescuer= 15:2 compression to ventilation ratio
  • Allow for full chest recoil, this ensures refilling of blood in the heart
  • Per AHA, children usually go down due to breathing problems, as opposed to adults who usually go down for cardiac reasons
  • Limit interruptions off the chest for more than 10 seconds

Infant BLS CPR

Pulse Check

  • Check the brachial, located between the tricep and bicep, for no less than 5, no more than 10 seconds, on your side
  • If less than 60, treat as CPR
  • Look and listen for breathing at the same time


  • Location of hands fingers in the center of the chest for one rescuer CPR
  • Proper depth should be 1/3 chest depth of the chest or 1.5 inches
  • Allow for full chest recoil, this ensures refilling of blood in the heart
  • Location of hands is thumb encircling on chest for two rescuer CPR
  • 1 rescuer= 30:2 compression to ventilation ratio
  • 2+ rescuer= 15:2 compression to ventilation ratio
  • Limit interruptions off the chest for more than 10 seconds

Pocket Mask/BVM

Pocket Mask

  • C clamp, thumb, then head tilt chin lift looking for chest rise and fall


  • Place yourself at the head of the patient
  • Make a C-E Clamp, Open the airway with the head-tilt-chin lift
  • Squeeze the bag over 1 second, we don’t want to over ventilate and risk gastric inflation and aspiration

Visit https://www.heart.org and *https://expresstraining.com/resources/study-guides/ for more info


Ventricular Action Potential


ECG Rhythm Identification